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Amos Williams, CPT

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Certifications & Accomplishments: 

  • Certified Personal Trainer

  • Certificate in Biomedical Neuroscience 




Amos specializes in weight loss, posture correction and pain reduction through the education, motivation and implementation of weight loss programs and through holistic exercise, stretching and nutrition. He follows a comprehensive personal fitness regimen built around resistance training, cardiovascular training, pulmonary breathing exercises, strength training, diet and nutrition. His personal training philosophy is built on this sound foundation but is individually tailored to each client’s needs & goals. After establishing the goals and objectives with his client, Amos will dedicate each training session to not only achieving these goals but pushing his clients beyond their comfort zone to realize their full potential. Amos believes in keeping exercise fun and fresh, and keeping the body guessing.


Call 240-383-4800 to schedule your appointment with a free posture scan!

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